JIS, Japanese Industrial Standards for steel

Japanese Industrial Standards specifies the standards used for industrial activities in Japan. The standardization process is coordinated by Japanese Industrial Standards Committee and published through Japanese Standards Association. The Industrial Standardization Law was revised in 2004 and the JIS mark product certification system was changed. Standards are named like “JIS X 0208:1997″, where X denotes area division, followed by four digits (or five digits for some of the standards corresponding ISO standards) and the revision release year. G – Ferrous Materials and Metallurgy H – Nonferrous Materials and Metallurgy MTC IN EN 10204.3 EN 10204:2004 is for metallic products-and this norm tell us things about Types of inspection documents. There are no material standards. Mostly material is defined with its chemical composition and mechanical properties in a public standars like ISO, EN, JIS, ASTM etc. What is JIS? Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) specifies the...